Friday, July 15, 2011

Late night and 4 cups of coffee later...

I was thinking more and more about the design of Olive and decided to give it another shot before I went to bed. This was a spin off of Grants idea with some slight nods. I was also thinking of a back story to help explain why olive looks that way she does.

Olive got her name due to her abnormally green colored hair (olive colored.) She also wears a bow to hold her long hair back, later on in the game play the center of the bow changes to the element that she is current attuned to (for example, the center might be a flame symbol, water symbol, or cloud symbol.) She wears her father's military jacket as a reminder of him when he is deployed; it is obviously way to big for her to wear but she loves it to death and refuses to take it off, even though her mom has gotten her nice dresses to wear just like the grown ups. Olive also carries around her sling bag, full of snacks, drinks, and other various materials. As a vent from reality Olive is constantly adventuring in the nearby forest (it will eventually become her inventory system housing her health potions, buffs, monsters, and other trinkets.) There in the forest, her imagination can really be let loose. She feels that while she is in the forest she does not have to worry about things like growing old, getting married, and eventually dying. Adventurous, curious, and courageous Olive while soon be tossed into a world in which her imagination becomes reality and the things she fears the most will be on the hunt for her.


  1. i am in the air about a big coat. i personally like it, but thinking about further down the line design wise, it will be a pain to rig that coat if it is past the knees, at least rig it and keep it fun for the animators.
    i do like the pockets and military style, but maybe we dont put a symbol on the bag right yet, or a symbol for the game. i am really digging the shoes, i think we should stick with those in particular. sleeve over the hand i also love, but yadda yadda could be a pain in the ass later for animation purposes, but i love it.
    i am really really digging the coat design. i think we should run with that, as it is similar and better than one of the original concepts i had done. great job man. lets keep refining it.
    its eric btw, or gant if you wanna use my internet name.

  2. hey sorry i knew your name wasn't grant, it was just 2:30am and couldn't think straight. I am glad you liked the refined sketch, I'll tweak it a little more to make it more simplistic. I might just try a super simplistic style like my first attempt with the features of the newer idea. I agree we should hold off on a patch on the bag just yet, the one I have on there is just a place holder. I agree the shoes are something that really sells her age. I am curious though, do you like the idea of the long green hair with the bow? I am also not 100% sold on that face design idea as well, though I want to defiantly have big-ish eyes to represent her innocence and whatnot.

  3. Nice work! I really like the curl in her hair, I think that's an interesting direction to go in. I also really like the bow. Because the camera is above the player, the head should attract a lot of attention and I think the bow + hair combo is great.
    I like how you're experimenting with different colors. I don't particularly like the green you've picked for this iteration, but some sort of green hue might look really cool. I think it would be nice to see a couple more variations with different levels of saturation, hue, and brightness.
    The bow changing color is a really cool idea - I wonder if we could incorporate this in some other way?
    I'm not really sold on the military jacket, though. I like the backstory you've provided for it but I think that will be really hard to convey to the player without a wall of text or an in-game cinematic. Additionally, the visuals of the coat might be confusing when viewed from above, and as Eric mentioned it would be pretty hard to accomplish in engine. I'm not saying we MUST not do it, but I think the current iteration of it doesn't really work.
    I like the bag very much. The icon you've put on there is funny but we might have to change it to something more related to the game - like a drawing of one of her creatures maybe? The idea of her having a bag like that sits really strong with me and I think we should keep with it.
    In summary, I think it would be great to see a few other clothing designs and then some variations on her hair color. Great work!
