Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Ok as promised I got all the drawings and text completed for a version 1 of the bosses. To be 100% honest with you I did not exactly know what to put under modelling requirements so feel free to alter this as much as you want. This is a lot of information so sorry in advance for the long post.

Bratus: The tree giant
This boss is encountered in the forest level of game play. He is a giant land dragon that features long pieces of petrified wooden branches growing out of his back. Due to this most would over look him as a part of the forest, until he moves. As for his combat abilities he has large powerful jaws, massive front and hind legs, and finally a knotted spiked tail made out of wood. He is the embodiment of Olive's fear of gluttony and sloth.

Cavernous Roar- this attack is more of a buffer, where Bratus lets out a loud roar that would cause fear inside any creature, making them less likely to attack and even possibly run away. This roar will effect creatures in a three block radius in front of him.
Petrified Ram- this is one of Bratus's default attacks. He lowers his head and uses the protrusions of harden wooden branches to inflict damage on a single creature directly in front of him.
Earthquake Stampede-This attack is a movement based attack that deals massive damage to surrounding creatures in a two block radius. Bratus rushes forward using his massive legs to cause creatures to bounce in the air and slam into the ground.
Impaling Tail Whip- a secondary default attack. This attack is where Bratus uses his jagged tail to club creatures that stand two blocks in front and deep of him. This attack though wide in range is one of his weakest in terms of damage.

Modelling Requirements:
Poly Count: 2000 tris
Types of Textures: bump map, alpha map, texture map, specular map for hooves and wood.

Lustrum: The swamp serpent
This boss is encountered in the swamp level of game play. He is a massive serpent that has long been the dominate creature in the swamp. He features a long leg-less body with worn and ripped fins. In addition to this he has a overly powerful jaw that contains razor sharp teeth. He easily blends into the murky waters of the swamp due to his camouflaged patterns along his back. He is the embodiment of Olive's fear of greed and envy.

Death Roll- this attack is Lustrum's special attack that deals massive damage to a single creature. In this attack he grabs hold of a creature and coils around it. This is followed by a spinning motion that constricts the trapped creature, pushing out the air it has.
Scum Spit- this attack is a buffer attack in which swamp scum is shot out of his mouth and into the eyes of up to three surrounding creatures. The scum temporarily blinds them, causing them to swing wildly with their attacks.
Hydro Blast- this attack is a default attack that Lustrum uses often. Similar to the scum spit attack, this attack shoots out swamp water at a single line of creatures three deep and causes them minor damage as well as being pushed back a one or two blocks.
Scaled Whip-.a secondary attack that is used often. This attack is when Lustrum uses his massive tail to slam down on two creatures directly in front of him. The damage provided by this attack is of a higher average.

Modelling Requirements:
Poly Count: 2000 tris
Types of Textures: bump map, alpha map, texture map, specular map.

Ignis: The bird of fire
This boss is found inside the fire level during game play. This is a giant majestic bird that is set ablaze in a sea of fire. Known to be short tempered this bird is quick and nimble on her feet and is capable of out maneuvering almost any opponent. In term of combat abilities, She features long sharp talons on both her feet and wings. She  also has a razor sharp beak and of course, wings made of fire. She is the embodiment of Olive's fear of lust and pride.

Fire Maze- Ignis's special attack. This attack causes Ignis to jet around her opponents and cause a trail of fire behind her. This fire deals massive damage if a creature walks into the flame or is trampled by her. The flame trail that is left behind lingers for a few seconds before dissipating.
Fury Swipe- A standard attack that is used often by Ignis. This attack is a flurry of talon swipes that deal an medium amount of damage to two creatures directly in front of her. This attack is generally weak overall but is fast and comes in waves.
Melt- a buffer attack where Ignis jumps into the air and causes the heat of her wings to melt the ground around her. This causes creatures in the local area to be trapped in the hot terrain for a few seconds or until they are attacked.
Phoenix Breath-a secondary standard attack. This attack is where Ignis breaths large fireballs and a row of opponents directly in front of her. The fireballs deal low damage however are rapid enough that it is hard to dodge.

Modelling Requirements:
Poly Count: 2000 tris
Types of Textures: bump map, alpha map, texture map..


  1. Awesomely done Kyle! All three of these are pretty damn cool. Each one seems to have a pretty close resemblance to each of the creatures, and they look way more fierce.

    The boss mechanics you've written seem pretty cool, too! Most of it seems pretty reasonable to create as well.

    Animating that serpent is going to be a challenge, especially if he's going to be swimming around in the water. It will be a pretty sweet effect if we can pull it off, though. Maybe a zelda-style underwater boss, where you have to wait until he comes out of safety before you can attack him.

  2. this is great work kyle. i have added it to the game doc and put a little star by your name
