Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 9 Tasks

Here's the work list for this week. Make sure you have the first section done by Sunday so we can all post feedback! We're closing in on the end of the quarter so we gotta crunch out the work as much as we can.

Kyle: Today in class we had a play-test, worked out an asset list (see below post) and decided on jobs. Because we're coming up to the end of the class, we are having 2 deadlines this week. We figured you'd want to continue working on your boss creatures, although you should post them first so we can give you feedback!

Our tasks for week 9:

By Sunday:
Eric: Post bear designs, and rework to hand off to Lisa on Sunday.
Lisa: Paint the Water Otter, finish off the other painting of the creatures
Marshall: Create asset guide including example models
Beck: Player experience guide, post build w/ enemy gameplay improvements
Kyle: Paint the final boss creatures
Everybody: Read Eric's design doc in it's entirety and post any changes to be made

By Tuesday:
Eric: Update design doc with the changes everybody posted, Finish Olive crying painting, create Box splash art and sell sheet
Marshall: Rework asset style guide and assets based on comments on Sunday
Lisa: Finish bear paintings handed off from Eric, color Aaron's miniboss paintings
Beck: Update gameplay based on feedback, code code code
Kyle: ???

We will return to our regular meeting schedule on Monday!

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